Hello and welcome to our 30th episode! First off, a huuuuge thank you to everyone who has watched all of our videos, asked questions, joined us for live office hours and contributed to the TESS Talk Forum. And congratulations to those who have already found good planet candidates by following us on this journey!
This is 'citizen science 2.0'. In today's episode, Kassie and Nora are going to go through the seven steps it takes to find a good exoplanet candidate. If you've watched our other videos these should be familiar to you, but this is the first time we're going through them in order, from start to finish.
04:00 Step 1: identify a fun planet candidate
04:36 Step 2: look candidate up on ExoFOP
06:06 Step 3: check for false positives
14:10 Step 4: see whether there's a TCE report (exo.MAST)
14:51 Step 5: check SIMBAD
18:52 Step 6: model the transit events (more details coming in future episodes!)
21:25 Step 7: check if there is any more data available
The code - plus some more information - can be downloaded from our website here: https://www.planethunters.coffee/intro-to-python